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Download Video At Youtube With Keepvid

Posted by : Aji Setio Aji Wednesday, January 20, 2010 2 komentar

Youtube a Internet site that prepare a lot of diverse video. Youtube also be site that prepare video most liked by everyone. But the deficit that is there is no direct facilities to Downloads video. So that everyone that want to Download video from youtube will experience difficulty. This is me try to write about how does manner Download video from youtube.

To Download video from youtube your first does open site www.youtube.com. Then search for video that want you Download in livelihood box. After video whom you are purpose has been found, step furthermore copy code url video that present in right side video.

Then open new browser or with click file menu - new tab or by using shortcut Ctrl+T. Then open site www.keepvid.com. After yard has comed up full so furthermore paste code that you copy into livelihood box has Downloaded (Ctrl+V) that present in half on web. Then press enter in keyboard. Afterwards will appear link will Download that present in half under livelihood box. Click link to Downloaded it. Usually there 2 file choices with type flv or avi. That depending your choice.

Site to Download video from youtube other www.dibatam.com. The steps much the same to with keepvid. If you want to try it please …

I think is enough for this article good can useful. When is there are some suggestion, criticism, comment, consultation can you write in comment box under this.

Youtube.com is a site that prepare many videoes. In this time many people that know youtube. But most of they can not Downloaded direct video from youtube. At this time, i peel complete finished about Downloaded video at youtube. Angered. . . .

To Downloaded direct video from youtube, you must visit to site youtube.com. Click-in-here to aim to youtube.com. Second, you must has Internet application Download manager (IDM). Click here to Downloaded IDM or with visit www.InternetDownloadmanager.com. Then click menu Downloads at site menu line. Then click link Downloads Internet Download manager. Wait until process Downloading finished.

After Download success, process furthermore you must install IDM previous you have Downloaded. Manner installing IDM very easy, that is live to click button next, next and further. Then click button finish.

Visit site www.youtube.com and look for video whom you want. When, click to Download now in right booth on video. Then click start Download. Wait process Downloading finished

Internet Download manager (IDM) also can speed up process Download, will so to Download quicker by using IDM.

Download Avira Antivirus

Posted by : Aji Setio Aji 0 komentar

Avira antivir is a antivirus very popular used in all the world. Avira well guaranted the quality in detect thousands virus Computer. Avira also be antivirus free used by whoever.

To Download avira freely, please click under this.

Download Smadav Antivirus

Posted by : Aji Setio Aji 0 komentar

You love Indonesia? Bow exist antivirus made in Indonesia lhoo…! When do you be Indonesia citizen good, so you must use this antivirus.

This antivirus named smadav that be antivirus free. Smadav free used by whoever. Smadav be antivirus very effective to detect viruses exist in indonesia. Smadav identified more than 4082 virus exist in indonesias. By using antivirus smadav, so indonesia virus soon destroyed.

Smadav consist of 2 versions:

  1. Smadav free version only permitted for use non-profit like Computer/laptop individual at home and organization non-profit.

  1. Smadav pros version is used to donator smadav or profit institution/organization likes to company, warnet, rental, store, service Computer, studio etc.

How does manner get smadav pros?

  1. You must be donator smadav beforehand, to be donator please send your donation to bill smadav, the donation is up to you, sincere important.

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Does profit be donator?

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  1. You can help development smadav antivirus original made in indonesia to compete with antivirus import the price very expensive.

Click in here  to download smadav newest version.

Make Anchor Link / Link In One Yard

Posted by : Aji Setio Aji Tuesday, January 19, 2010 0 komentar

What is Anchor Link ?

Anchor link usually at mention also with link in one yard, differ from hyperlink in general usually at use to connect a article with article other that present on page different or Blog different, anchor this link is more many at uses for yard same. Still confused? Really I also same the confused if read in a flash about explanation a while ago, so that not same confused I give real. In part most under Blog this, there article shaped link as described:

Back to up

When does friend meng will click article link so automatically that will come up in friend monitor sail top-ranking yard from Blog this, unconvinced? Please prove! Surplus anchor link with link usually this link hasn't need to loading to repeat to call object that at mark as anchor. The example likes link that present most under Blog this, if friend click it so doesn't need time more than one second yard on from Blog this at will display.

How does make anchor link?

Principle base it us mark beforehand a object, then in other part we make link to call it. Code base it like this:

<a name="AnchorName"> .... </a>       <-- anchor object

<a href="#AnchorName"> .... </a>       <-- caller anchor link

Look At Fence Sign (#) Above, For Name Anchor Doesn't Wear Fence Sign,  But For Caller Link Anchor Must Wear Fence Sign.

Object from a anchor can at display can also not, seen from code above there sign shaped pointss. Pointss can at article contents can also at let empty, example:

<a name="AtasBlog"></a>       <-- object anchor doesn't want to display article.

<a name="AtasBlog">Blog top</a>       <-- object anchor that want to display article.

Different From Object From Anchor, Caller Link Anchor Must At Give Article To Be Able To At Click By Visitor, Example:

<a href="#AtasBlog">Back to up</a> <-- caller link anchor must at give article.

interested want to make it, please follow steps:

  1. Login in to Blogger with your ID.
  2. Chose tab posting.
  3. Writes posting up to you.
  4. When, type code follows at topmost part article.

<a name="atas"></a> => ini adalah kode untuk memberikan nama obyek anchor.

  1. Then, type code follows at part most under article.

<a href="#atas"> Back to up </a>  => Ketika link "Kembali Ke Atas" diklik, maka anda akan dibawa ke bagian paling atas posting.

  1. When, click to Publicize.

Good success …

Beautify Blog With Animation Swf

Posted by : Aji Setio Aji 0 komentar


Flash be program very popular among animation lovers. With flash, we can make animation or picture moves easily. In this time flash very popular in the world of Blog or web. Because by using flash, so animation that produced very good and size file- relative little. As to format from flash that is swf. With swf, we can put animation design into Blog or our web, so that Blog/web more will interesting and more and more visited by person. So from that is file flash very efficient and effective to be used by whoever.

To turn on animation swf in Blog, necessary you do:

  1. First you must has animation based on swf or be file flash.
  2. Then upload animation to web site your hosting. Such as www.photobucket.com, google pages, or geocities if wear yahoo all the it this is free. or may be there other you know.
  3. After upload the animation, must you look at address URL from file that you upload. url can you copy temporary at notepad.
  4. Now login to Blogger. com with id you.
  5. Enter to (layout) and add widget, chose HTML/Java Script.
  6. Then typing code follow:

src="URL ADDRESS" quality="high" allowscriptaccess="always"
align="middle" height="ukuran yang anda inginkan" width="ukuran yang
anda inginkan"></embed>

Change URL ADDRESS with URL your copy previous in Notepad.

  1. Save and see the result.

Good success …

Make Link to Download

Posted by : Aji Setio Aji 0 komentar

Simply I formulate the work manner, first of course we must has account in site, then after has account, new we are upload data that want us save, then after process upload success we at shall give URL address file whom we upload. Well latest step so that visitor from Blog we can downloaded file turn on article that has link towards URL address file whom we are upload a while ago, so of course another person can downloaded file whom we pair pass our Blog. Approximately so boss.

So that not too confused, this service site one of them www.snapdrive.net. By using this site us can upload file then file can at download again by another person. To its way please follow steps follows:
  1. Please click here to aim http: /www.snapdrive.net.

  1. Click Register

  1. Form contents that provided with your self data.

  1. Click Register

  1. There confirmation that account bew at make must at activate to pass email whom we write a while ago.

  1. Friend property email cheque a while ago written, investigate to what email from snapdrive until or not yet.

  1. If email until, please open email. Contents in email there shaped link to activation, click link.

  1. Automatically friend will be brought to page thank pronunciation containing.

  1. Click OK.

  1. Please login with username with password a while ago at write moment register.

  1. After reside in yard account friend, click article Upload.

  1. Click Add Files

  1. Choose existing file mengomputer friend that wants at upload.

  1. Click Upload. Is waiting a few moments when does process upload file underway.

  1. If process upload finished, friend will be showed file at upload a while ago. Click details exist in half it.

  1. Click HTML Code.

  1. Copy code at give then paste in program notepad.

  1. Click Logout to out from site.

Step Furthermore Code Insert A While Ago Into our Blog, I Have Taken Code Example That At Upload Like This:

<a href="http://www.snapdrive.net/files/452250/billing%20internet.zip">billing internet.zip</a>

this code is link code usually, so of course not absolute. Word billing internet. Zip, can we change with word everything up to you. I take word example billing internet. Zip at fox is word downloads, so code on be as in under this:

<a href="http://www.snapdrive.net/files/452250/billing%20internet.zip">download</a>

how does code insert manner on? Of course up to friend wants at place where, want at sidebar, footer, or even in post even also can. I take example insides posting its contents likes this:

To Download Program Billing Internet, Please You Click Link Hereunder:
<a href="http://www.snapdrive.net/files/452250/billing%20internet.zip">download</a>

So Later At our Blog Shall Come Up To Like This:

To Download Program Billing Internet, Please You Click Link Hereunder:  


Contoh link yang saya buat diatas adalah link yang benar-benar nyata untuk mendownload program billing internet, silahkan sobat klik untuk membuktikannya!

I have guessed enough discussion about manner has made link has downloaded, may can at understand. Good success!

Make Tags Cloud

Posted by : Aji Setio Aji 0 komentar


According to language tag mean label,  and cloud mean cloud. So tags cloud that is formed label likes cloud. Article in gathering label will like cloud and the font not flat. As to function from tags cloud that is when does article you post many so tag article more expand,  but when does article only a little so article be little. So tags cloud simplify to detect article or posting which at most. When do you interested to make a tags cloud, don't pass and don't forget to read article follows!

The steps to makes tags cloud that is as follows:

  1. Login beforehand to Blogger with your id.
  2. Step into location order menu then Edit HTML.
  3. Then put code hereunder exactly above code ]]></b:skin>.
/* Label Cloud Styles
----------------------------------------------- */
#labelCloud {text-align:center;font-family:arial,sans-serif;}
#labelCloud .label-cloud li{display:inline;background-image:none !important;padding:0 5px;margin:0;vertical-align:baseline !important;border:0 !important;}
#labelCloud ul{list-style-type:none;margin:0 auto;padding:0;}
#labelCloud a img{border:0;display:inline;margin:0 0 0 3px;padding:0}
#labelCloud a{text-decoration:none}
#labelCloud a:hover{text-decoration:underline}
#labelCloud li a{}
#labelCloud .label-cloud {}
#labelCloud .label-count {padding-left:0.2em;font-size:9px;color:#000}
#labelCloud .label-cloud li:before{content:"" !important}
  1. Put code follows correct be code <head>.
<script type='text/javascript'>
// Label Cloud User Variables
var cloudMin = 1;
var maxFontSize = 20;
var maxColor = [0,0,255];
var minFontSize = 10;
var minColor = [0,0,0];
var lcShowCount = false;
  1. then look for code <b:widget id='Label1' locked='false' title='Labels' type='Label'/>. To simplify livelihood presses ctrl + f, and copy-paste this code.
  2. Change code with code hereunder:
<b:widget id='Label1' locked='false' title='Label Cloud' type='Label'>
<b:includable id='main'>
<b:if cond='data:title'>

<div class='widget-content'>
<div id='labelCloud'/>
<script type='text/javascript'>

// Don't change anything past this point -----------------
// Cloud function s() ripped from del.icio.us
function s(a,b,i,x){
var m=(a-b)/Math.log(x),v=a-Math.floor(Math.log(i)*m)
var m=(b-a)/Math.log(x),v=Math.floor(Math.log(i)*m+a)
return v

var c=[];
var labelCount = new Array();
var ts = new Object;
<b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'>
var theName = "<data:label.name/>";
ts[theName] = <data:label.count/>;

for (t in ts){
if (!labelCount[ts[t]]){
labelCount[ts[t]] = new Array(ts[t])
var ta=cloudMin-1;
tz = labelCount.length - cloudMin;
lc2 = document.getElementById('labelCloud');
ul = document.createElement('ul');
ul.className = 'label-cloud';
for(var t in ts){
if(ts[t] < cloudMin){
for (var i=0;3 > i;i++) {
var fs = s(minFontSize,maxFontSize,ts[t]-ta,tz);
li = document.createElement('li');
li.style.fontSize = fs+'px';
li.style.lineHeight = '1';
a = document.createElement('a');
a.title = ts[t]+' Posts in '+t;
a.style.color = 'rgb('+c[0]+','+c[1]+','+c[2]+')';
a.href = '/search/label/'+encodeURIComponent(t);
if (lcShowCount){
span = document.createElement('span');
span.innerHTML = '('+ts[t]+') ';
span.className = 'label-count';
else {
abnk = document.createTextNode(' ');

<b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'>
<b:if cond='data:Blog.url == data:label.url'>
<a expr:href='data:label.url'><data:label.name/></a>
<b:include name='quickedit'/>

  1. Then save template and see the result.

Goods News …

But now you are difficult there is no need to are making tag cloud, Blogger prepare this service that is:

Add Element and choose "label" then choose radio button "cloud". And save.
Finished …

I thinks is enough for this article, good can useful for you …


Label or category or whatever that, functioned to be more specialize article themes in blog we. at blogger, this label facilities according to default really available. but for denunciated you not satisfied with standard label display, we can change it to be animation that gyrate (to watch out to make ill head). well to change it, follow tutorial next (don't forget to backup template you particularly formerly):

1. Open Edit HTML, and don't forget to tick off expand widget template.
2. look for following code:
<b:section class="sidebar" id="sidebar" preferred="yes">
Remember, every template unegual, clear there code

3. Afterwards, copy- code next correct at under it

<b:widget id='Label99' locked='false' title='Labels' type='Label'>
<b:includable id='main'>
<b:if cond='data:title'>
<div class='widget-content'>
<script src='http://halotemplates.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-cumulus-example/swfobject.js' type='text/javascript'/>
<div id='flashcontent'>Blogumulus by <a href='http://www.roytanck.com/'>Roy Tanck</a> and <a href='http://www.bloggerbuster.com'>Amanda Fazani</a></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var so = new SWFObject("http://halotemplates.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-cumulus-example/tagcloud.swf", "tagcloud", "240", "300", "7", "#ffffff");
// uncomment next line to enable transparency
//so.addParam("wmode", "transparent");
so.addVariable("tcolor", "0x333333");
so.addVariable("mode", "tags");
so.addVariable("distr", "true");
so.addVariable("tspeed", "100");
so.addVariable("tagcloud", "<tags><b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'><a expr:href='data:label.url' style='12'><data:label.name/></a></b:loop></tags>");
so.addParam("allowScriptAccess", "always");
<b:include name='quickedit'/>
4. Save and see the result


you can change setting from code, like to replaced background color (blue code), label size (red code) or change size font (that Bolded).

Make Archives Pulldown

Posted by : Aji Setio Aji 0 komentar


To make archives pulldown there two that is to Blogger with template classic,  and template new.
To template classic the step that is:
  1. Login to Blogger.com with your id.
  2. Click Template.
  3. At part sidebar your Blog are part archives, there code html as follows:


<a href="<$BlogArchiveURL$"$gt;'><$BlogArchiveName$></a>


  1. Well, change code above dg code html hereunder:

<select name="archivemenu"

<option selected>- Archives -</option>

<option value="<$BlogArchiveURL$>"><$BlogArchiveName$></option>


  1. When finished, click save changes. when done, click republish.

  1. Finish.

For you that wear template new, easier the step that is:
  1. Login to Blogger.com with your ID.

  1. Click LAYOUT.

  1. Click PAGE ELEMENTS, look for element (box) that correlating to write Blog Archive.

  1. Click Edit in box Blog archive a while ago.

  1. beside article style there are some radio button, choose radio button to write dropdown menu by signal tik/cheque.

  1. Click Save Changes .

  1. Finish.

Well explanation above a while ago be steps to make menu dropdown for archives, now as which its way is making menu dropdown in he there the link, . To make it please you copy code html be:

<form><select name="menu" onchange="window.open(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value,'_blank')"size=1 name=menu><option value=0 selected>tulisan disini yang akan muncul duluan</OPTION>

<option value="isi dengan addres yang ingin di tuju">tulisan di sini yang akan muncul</option> </select></form>

Good success …

How to Makes RSS To Blog

Posted by : Aji Setio Aji 0 komentar


Abbreviation from RSS itself really simple syndication, useful admit us to subscribe to web site that prepare bait (feed) RSS, usually web site its contents always replaced regularly. RSS used widely by communities weBlog to scattered newest article summary at journal. A web that prepare bait RSS usually there link with a button write XML or RSS. But suggested use RSS than XML so that doesn't make mistakes. There are some version RSS, and may even exist group has made atom new format also adopted by many sites.
Therefore we also can make RSS freely, manner makes it enough easy, only with sign-up at feedburner. Next little information about manner makes and managed RSS use feedburner.
Click www.feedburner.com, then at part under it (start feedburning now. Type your is feed or Blog url below. ) click address website / your Blog and click next. Menghalaman furthermore there article identify feed source will choose http: your-url-address/feed/ and click next. Contents username, password, password again, email address (you email address) appropriate command and live to click activate feed. Later there package to your email to will activate feed, then there article welcome and rss you are ready made.
  • How Does Manner Display Rss In My Blog?
    Its way easy live to logging formerly at http://www.feedburner.com  in right booth on existing article sign in, then input username and password, click sign in, afterwards click username you at part under feed title. At yard next click tab publicize, and part under services click chicklet chooser. Then click at part most under write active, but before that is you can setting form rss. After activate, later there strange article in most under, well that article is then copy paste at your Blog in widget and add text. At that text part writes title whom you want and paste at the text.
  • How Does Another Person Manner Subscribe My Blog?
    Equal to on only if rss menglik membagian chicklet chooser while to subscribe via email menglik at email part subscriptions and click active. So, there also such as those which membagian most under article,  and copy paste at text your Blog.

Makes Commments Box

Posted by : Aji Setio Aji 0 komentar

Comments box or comment box a box that functioned to give comment towards contents from a article in a weBlog. If at wordpress. Com comment box direct will appear correct be article. But not the things of at Blogspot/Blogger, comment this Blog only shaped link then new will appear comment box for visitor that want to give comment towards article, this matter will causes commentators a little will dislike to do so because will felt lazy to will open window new of course will need a little time to open it. So that service users Blogspot slimmer get comment at equal with service users wordpress.

Warning : because many Blogger that use trick this and also there that lose posting, so you must backup formerly template you. Unsuccessful wear this probably because incompatibility existence with template that used. If happen matters not wish for soon return template you old ones. But quite a few a success, good luck.

But for you that wear service Blogspot unnecessary worry again because trick follow will lengten how to will add comment box or comments box so that be comment box exist in wordpress that is exactly present under article its way by using service at http://www.haloscan.com. One matter necessary payed before you use this service that is" earlier comments will lost" , so to think formerly before you wear this service. If you sure have wanted to apply it so follow care of its way:

1.      Open website http://www.haloscan.com.

2.      Register your self at website.

3.      After finished then logging with username and password equal to at the (time) of sign-up.

4.      After will logging success so will appear several menus. In the first place choose menu settings. Insides menu setting there are some arrangement that must contents please arrange after your fancy. Then save.

5.      Step furthermore that is choose menu template. Please choose which you take a fancy to, best correspond to colour your Blog then save.

6.      Step next that is choose install menu.

7.      Mark Off Radio Button Beside Article Blogger Or Blogspot Then Click Next Button.

8.      Click brows button , please choose file template that backupped. If not yet please back up formerly.
9.      Click Upload Blogger Template.

10.  If success click button has downloaded new template then at save.

11.  Login to Blogger/Blogspot.

12.  Chose a Template then Click menu Edit HTML.

13.  To upload template click button brows. Insert template that downloaded from haloscan a while ago then upload then save to setting.

14.  try to open to open web your Blog and see the result. now you has comment box such as those which in wordpress.

To put comment box in sidebar that is, return to haloscan then choose dashboard, there recent comments then at under it there link the article" put this is widget on your is site" then you click link, afterwards at under it will appear code containing box. Copy code and pair at your Blog, easy loo…?

Good you like this article and good this article can useful.


Turn on a guest book (shoutbox/guestbook) in a Blog matter enough reasonable important, because this guest book is one of [the] tool for interacted between has a Blog with visitors Blog. With at decorate it guest book in Blog, so visitors can unfold the heart contents about your Blog make, definitive contents from a this guest book highly varied can be praise, question, merely kill time,  or there also be criticism towards contents your Blog,  and exactly with variation existence that's make Blog we so alive more alive.

Ok, too long intermezo yes, now we are returning to topic. How to get a guest book. To get it very easy, you live to look for it in search engine such as google and or yahoo, please word typing free shoutbox or free guestbook in search engine each site, so in just a few seconds will appear by tens service site guest book a while ago, you live to click then try to look around. But to save your livelihood time, so here i direct shall give service site address guest book the server reasonable good and experience down that is http very rare: www.shoutmix.com. To its way please you follow steps follows:
  1. As usual you must list beforehand by click article get one noe, free>>, and or with click article sign up, please you have written your data in form that at prepare.
  2. If registered,  and at accept to so member shoutmix, please you logging with id you.
  3. In column have a title style, click menu appearance.
  4. Please click menu pulldown beside article load from preset to regulate your guest book display, please choose appropriate with your willing. If finished click save setting.
  5. To get code html from shoutbox you, please click use shoutbox that under menu quick start.
  6. Click article place shoutbox on web page. Wide contents and tall shoutbox at want.
  7. Copy entire codes html exist in text area that under article generated codes, then save at program notepad you.
  8. Click logarithm out that reside in on your sail to out from yard shoutmix you. Please close site.
  9. Finish…

To laid code html shoutbox a while ago in your Blog, please follow steps follows.
For Blogger with template classic:
  1. Beforehand to Blogger.com with id you.
  2. Click menu Template.
  3. Click Edit HTML
  4. Paste code html your shoutbox that at copy in notepad a while ago in place you have wanted.
  5. To detail I take example with my shoubox property, to laid it to live to click to edit in browser then choose find (on this page). . Then write guest book word then click find, so we direct at shall bring to article. If meet article a while ago please paste code html this shoutbox.
  6. Click Preview button to see change whom we make.
  7. If fitt in with change a while ago, Click Save Template Changes.
  8. Finish …

So that shoutbox you as according to wide size sidebar, you can change wide size and or tall from shoutbox, its way you live to change number width (for wide) and height (for tall) from within code html shoutbox.

Untuk Blogger baru :
  1. Silahkan Login dengan id anda.
  2. Click menu Layout
  3. Click Page Element
  4. Click Add a Page Element
  5. Click Add to Blog button under article HTML/JavaScript.
  6. Write title shoutbox you in form title. Example: my guest book, or everything you like.
  7. Copy paste code HTML your shoutbox in to form Content
  8. Click Save Changes button.
  9. Drag & Drop element you made a while ago in place at take a fancy to.
  10. Click Save button.
  11. Finish …

Good Try!

In addition, guestbook often worn Blogger another:
  1. http://oggix.com
For the steps much the same to with step on.

Make Table In Blog

Posted by : Aji Setio Aji 0 komentar


To make table at blog, can we do with code html special to make table of course. command at wear <table>. . . . . </table>. in table, we can several attributes in it, among others that is:
  • bgcolor : to regulate table background background/color. the code location likes this: bgcolor=" color code".
  • align : to regulate article location order exist in table, want left flat, middle, right flat, or flat left-right. the code location: align=" left" |" center" |" right".
  • cellpadding : to regulate distance between cell side with cell contents in a table. the code location: cellpadding=" pixel" .
  • border : to regulate margin thickness level in table. the code location: border=" pixel".
  • Cellspacing : to regulate distance between cell. the code location: cellspacing=" pixel".
  • height : to regulate tall table. the code location: height=" pixel" |" %".
  • height : to regulate lebal table. the code location: height=" pixel" |" %".

Code formed that is like this:

<table align="left"|"center"|"right"



a element table, also full several elements that is caption, element th(table header), element tr(table row), with element td (table row).

element caption functioned to make title from a table. this element has attribute align with value top (that is title at saves on the top table), also bottom (that is title resides in half under from table).

code formed that is like this:

<caption align="top"|"bottom">



element tr (table row) that is to make line, this element is at places in table element. attribute that can at use in in tr among others:
  • align : to regulate article location order exist in table, want left flat, middle, right flat, or flat kiri-kanan. the code location: align=" left" |" center" |" right".
  • valign : to regulate vertical position. the code location: valign=" top" |" middle" |" bottom".
  • bgcolor : to regulate table background background/colour colour. the code location likes this: bgcolor=" colour code".
code formed that is like this:

<tr align="left"|"center"|"right"



element th(table header) functioned as header cell in a table column. attribute that can at wear among others:
  • align : to regulate article location order exist in table, want left flat, middle, right flat, or flat kiri-kanan. the code location: align=" left" |" center" |" right".
  • valign : to regulate vertical position. the code location: valign=" top" |" middle" |" bottom".
  • bgcolor : to regulate table background background/colour colour. the code location likes this: bgcolor=" colour code".
  • colspan : to regulate column. the code location: colspan=" number".
  • rowspan : to regulate row or line. the code location: rowspan=" number".

code formed that is like this:

<th align="left"|"center"|"right"
colspan="number" rowspan="number">



element tr(table row) elemn to make column. attribute that can at wear among others:
  • align : to regulate article location order exist in table, want left flat, middle, right flat, or flat kiri-kanan. the code location: align=" left" |" center" |" right".
  • valign : to regulate vertical position. the code location: valign=" top" |" middle" |" bottom".
  • bgcolor : to regulate table background background/colour colour. the code location likes this: bgcolor=" colour code".
  • colspan : to regulate column. the code location: colspan=" number".
  • rowspan : to regulate row or line. the code location: rowspan=" number".

code formed that is like this:

<td align="left"|"center"|"right"
colspan="number" rowspan="number">



still confused? if so i give several examples so that a little clearer:

to make a single table, the code approximately like this:

<table width="200" border="1">



the result will like this:

seen that existing article, appear huddle to table wall, when do we want so that article present exactly in the middle of table, so enough add code align="center" in the column. example likes this:

<table width="200" border="1">
<td align="center">



the result will like this:

Examples above use value border 1, try to compare when i use value border larger ones, for example 9. the code approximately like this:

<table width="200" border="9">
<td align="center">



the result will like this:

If we like to the column increases, live to add the column code. Example two columns, the code likes this:

<table width="300" border="9">
<td align="center">


<td align="center">

Contoh juga denk


the result will like this:
Contoh juga denk

if want two lines, approximately the code likes this:

<table width="300" border="1">
<td align="center">


<td align="center">

Contoh juga denk

<td align="center">


<td align="center">

Contoh juga denk


the result likes this:
Contoh juga denk
Contoh juga denk

if the table wants at give colour, live to add code bg. example:

<table width="300" border="1" bgcolor="black">
<td align="center">


<td align="center">

Contoh juga denk

<td align="center">


<td align="center">

Contoh juga denk


the result likes this:
Contoh juga denk
Contoh juga denk

Now I am giving a le latest (a little serious) with use function caption with th (table header). For example I want to make a data table from technician names. Data that want at make table, for example like this:
Tabel 1.1
Data Teknisi
Jaka kelana

Code at wear can like this:
<table align="left" border="2" bgcolor="cyan" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" >
<caption align="top"><b>Tabel 1.1</b></caption>
<tr bgcolor="fuchsia">
<th colspan="2">Data Teknisi</th>
<tr bgcolor="green">
<tr bgcolor="yellow">
<tr bgcolor="red">
<td>jaka kelana</td>
<tr bgcolor="blue">

The result approximately like this:
Tabel 1.1
Data Teknisi
jaka kelana

Besides to laid article, a table even also many at use to laid picture so that seen neater. Example:
<table width="300" border="1" cellpadding="20">
<td align="center">

<a href="http://www.maniackom.blogspot.com" target="new"><img height="58" src=" http://i598.photobucket.com/albums/tt64/cah_tembok/maniackom-1.jpg" alt="mau pinter membuat blog atau website? klik saja di sini"/></a>
<td align="center">

<a href="http://www.dunia-chord.blogspot.com"><img src=" http://i598.photobucket.com/albums/tt64/cah_tembok/dunia-chord.jpg" alt="mau download chord gratis? klik saja di sini"/></a>
<td align="center">

<a href="http://www.kemayarancity.blogspot.com"><img src=" http://i598.photobucket.com/albums/tt64/cah_tembok/rahasiabloger-1.jpg" alt="mau tutorial blog terlengkap? klik saja di sini"></a>
<td align="center">

<a href="http://www.avasta-antivirusindonesia.blogspot.com" target="new"><img height="58" src=" http://i598.photobucket.com/albums/tt64/cah_tembok/DownloadAVasta.jpg" alt="mau antivirus GRATIS AVasta tercanggih? klik saja di sini"/></a>

the result will like this:

If friend of opinion that table line harries scenery, so we can mensiasati by cause the loss of the line that is value border we make 0 (zero).
<table width="300" border="0" cellpadding="20">
<td align="center">

<a href="http://www.maniackom.blogspot.com" target="new"><img height="58" src=" http://i598.photobucket.com/albums/tt64/cah_tembok/maniackom-1.jpg" alt="mau pinter membuat blog atau website? klik saja di sini"/></a>
<td align="center">

<a href="http://www.dunia-chord.blogspot.com"><img src=" http://i598.photobucket.com/albums/tt64/cah_tembok/dunia-chord.jpg" alt="mau download chord gratis? klik saja di sini"/></a>
<td align="center">

<a href="http://www.kemayarancity.blogspot.com"><img src=" http://i598.photobucket.com/albums/tt64/cah_tembok/rahasiabloger-1.jpg" alt="mau tutorial blog terlengkap? klik saja di sini"></a>
<td align="center">

<a href="http://www.avasta-antivirusindonesia.blogspot.com" target="new"><img height="58" src=" http://i598.photobucket.com/albums/tt64/cah_tembok/DownloadAVasta.jpg" alt="mau antivirus GRATIS AVasta tercanggih? klik saja di sini"/></a>

The result will like this:

how does this last the result, our eye can at trick not?

little note. because code on be code html, so at the (time) of posting must on course edit html don't on course compose. when want at save at sidebar, choose to html/javascript.

Good useful …

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