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Manner Speeds Up Internet Access

Posted by : Aji Setio Aji Wednesday, March 31, 2010 0 komentar

Manner Speeds Up Internet Access

This time all period practise and Hurry. So also in accessing information passes internet. Usually there computer the internet access speed very low. This matter makes us bored, So that we can not get information at internet quickly. Here be discussed about how does manner to will speed up internet access.

To speed up internet access very easy and Practise. For user mozilla firefox you can type" About: Config" In address pothouse, . Afterwards change" Network. Http. Pipelining"  and " Network. Http. Proxy pipelining" Be" True" , With contents" Network. Http. Pipelining. Maxrequests" Between 30 -100 (ever greater faster). Last clicks right where and Choose new->integer, Write" Nglayout. Initialpaint. Delay" Then contents with 0.

Good this article can useful for you. When is there question, Please send your question passes comment box hereunder. Thanks. . .

Cara Mempercepat Akses Internet

Sekarang ini adalah zaman yang serba praktis dan cepat. Begitu pula dalam mengakses informasi melalui Internet. Biasanya ada komputer yang kecepatan akses Internetnya sangat lambat. Hal ini membuat kita bosan, sehingga kita tidak bisa memperoleh informasi di Internet secara cepat. Disini akan dibahas tentang bagaimana cara untuk mempercepat akses Internet.

Untuk mempercepat akses Internet sangatlah mudah dan praktis. Bagi pengguna Mozilla Firefox anda dapat mengetikkan "about:config" pada address bar,. setelah itu ubah "network.http.pipelining" dan "network.http.proxy pipelining" menjadi "true", serta isi "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests" antara 30 –100 ( semakin besar semakin cepat ). Yang terakhir klik kanan dimana saja dan pilih New->Integer , tuliskan "nglayout.initialpaint.delay" lalu isi dengan 0.

Semoga tulisan ini dapat bermanfaat untuk anda. Apabila ada pertanyaan, silahkan kirimkan saja pertanyaan anda melalui kotak komentar di bawah ini. Terima kasih...

Selamat mencoba...

Software Downloader All Website Contents

Posted by : Aji Setio Aji Monday, March 29, 2010 0 komentar

What all contents website downloaded with swiftly? How does manner downloaded all contents website swiftly? What is the program that used to downloaded all contents website? That question is may be often appear at heart you,  but You are difficult to get answer. Here you will find answer from this question.

The answers:

What all contents website downloaded with swiftly?
Answer: Of course can. . . this time is modern period that wishes for all done according to practise and quickly.

How does manner downloaded all contents website swiftly?
Answer: Manner downloadeds entire contents website swiftly very easy, You will live insert the website address (URL) that you will download in text box available at program website downloader.

What is the program that used to downloaded all contents website?
Answer: There, Even many. There many programs or Software to downloaded entire contents website swiftly, Among others:
1. WebZip

2. WinHTTrack Website Copier

3. Teleport Ultra

4. Web Content Extractor (WCE)

5. Offline Explorer Pro

And still many another programs not yet I know.

Pair Online Status Yahoo Messenger in Blog

Posted by : Aji Setio Aji Saturday, March 27, 2010 0 komentar

Installing widget online status yahoo messenger in blog is very importance. Because with existence widget online status yahoo messenger, So visitor blog will detect that owner blog online or Offline. So that this can simplify visitor blog to ask or Communicate with owner blog with yahoo messenger.
To turn on online status yahoo messenger very easy. You just copy-paste following code into your blog. The steps:
1. Login into blogger.com with your ID.
2. Chose Layout, then Add element.
3. Chose HTML/Java Script.
4. Copy paste following code:

<center><a href="http://messenger.yahoo.com/edit/send/?.target=cah_tembok">
<img src="http://opi.yahoo.com/yahooonline/u=cah_tembok/m=g/t=2/l=us/opi.jpg" border="0" alt="Status YM" /></a></center>

5. Change my user ID "cah_tembok" with your user ID at YM.
6. Change t=2 with your optional online status display.


















 Choose one of thestatus online display ym that you like.

7. Click save and see the result...

Anti Right Click In Blog Contents

Posted by : Aji Setio Aji Thursday, March 25, 2010 0 komentar

Copy-paste another person property article usually has been done by everyone. But I am one who anti copy paste, and Very hate copy paste. Since for I am all articles whom I write at my blog is very valuable. So from that is I write this article is special for you that counter copy paste and Hate copy paste.
This manner is of vital importance to appreciates somebody copyright. By like this, your Blog will free from copy paste by another person. One of the manner that used is with give java script anti right click in your blog. But before use this manner, You must think finally towards your blog. Automatic one who will visit at your blog shy because will felt not pleasant. So that this cause your blog less visited by many people. But not wrong when you are permanent wants to do this manner.
Langkah-langkah untuk memasang Java script anti klik kanan pada blog anda yaitu sebagai berikut:

1. Visit www.blogger.com, then login with your ID.
2. Chose menu Layout.
3. Then Add a Element.
4. Chose HTML/JavaScript.
5. Copy paste the following JavaScript.
<script language=JavaScript>

//Disable right mouse click Script
//By Maximus (maximus@nsimail.com) w/ mods by DynamicDrive
//For full source code, visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com

var message=" Sorry, this contents can not copy-paste!!! - copyright (c) by maniackom.blogspot.com ";

function clickIE4(){
if (event.button==2){
return false;

function clickNS4(e){
if (document.layers||document.getElementById&&!document.all){
if (e.which==2||e.which==3){
return false;

if (document.layers){
else if (document.all&&!document.getElementById){

document.oncontextmenu=new Function("alert(message);return false")

// -->

6. Click Save Button.
7. See the result.

Hacking Friend’s Facebook

Posted by : Aji Setio Aji Tuesday, March 23, 2010 0 komentar

“Warning, this is just trick and Knowledge, Not to dally.” for you that want to deepen science about Facebook, Please read this article. But remember, Don't tried later deal with policeman… today I write article about Facebook, That is about “How to hacking friend's Facebook?”.
Do you ever cannot login at Facebook? Does password your Facebook ever change self? or changed by another person? What your Facebook ever hacked another person? Now moment it you know secret from all about that.
To break into password in facebook, They use one of the special application is used to break into password in facebook. Many applications that used to break into password in friend's facebook (hacking), One of them is GZ facebook. With GZ facebook, so you can hacking your friend's facebook. Manner uses GZ facebook very easy, That is with Typing your friend's email facebook and Click button freeze. Finished, your friend Password facebook has changed. But many people that try it but Fail.
“Warning, this is just trick and Knowledge, Not to dally.”, if this trick used by you with without considering, This is outdoor my responsibility”.

Avoid Copy Paste Article in your Blog

Posted by : Aji Setio Aji Sunday, March 21, 2010 0 komentar

Copy-paste another person property article usually has been done by everyone. But I am one who anti copy paste, and Very hate copy paste. Since for I am all articles whom I write at my blog is very valuable. So from that is I write this article is special for you that counter copy paste and Hate copy paste.
This manner is of vital importance to appreciates somebody copyright. By like this, your Blog will free copy paste by another person. Mean all articles exist in your blog can not block and copy paste by another person. But before use this manner, You must think finally towards your blog. Automatic one who will visit at your blog shy because will felt not pleasant. So that this cause your blog less visited by many people. But not wrong when you are permanent wants to do this manner.
First open http://blogger.com and login with your ID. Then choose layout, and Add element. Choose html/java script and Copy code hereunder to HTML/JavaScript text box.
<!– ######## Disable Select ########–> <script language=’JavaScript1.2?> function disableselect(e){ return false } function reEnable(){ return true } document.onselectstart=new Function ("return false") if (window.sidebar){ document.onmousedown=disableselect document.onclick=reEnable } </script> <!– ######## End of Disable Select ########–>
Afterwards click saves button. And see the result, Then try block at your articles. What is going on??? You will know self after try it…
Finally your blog can not copy paste by another person…

Know Program Flash

Posted by : Aji Setio Aji Wednesday, March 10, 2010 0 komentar

Flash is a program computer that used to make a picture moves or often we mention with animation. I know flash consist of several versions begins from bottommost version until highest version. Formerly flash consist of macromedia flash 1, macromedia flash 2, macromedia flash 3, macromedia flash 4, macromedia flash 5, macromedia flash Mx and further all use license macromedia,  but now taken to displace by adobe. So now, has been change name become adobe flash cs1, adobe flash cs2, adobe flash cs3, and the other.
Here I discuss tutorial flash by using adobe flash cs3, but for you that use besides adobe flash cs3, you are disappointed unnecessary. Because most of all version flash has display that resemble with flash the other version.
To run adobe flash cs3 first click start then all programs, then click adobe flash cs3. Hereunder is beginning display from adobe flash cs3.

To make animation please choose flash file Actionscript 3.0, Actionscript 2.0,  or Actionscript 1.0. Purpose from Actionscript 1.0, Actionscript 2.0,  and Actionscript 3.0 language script model that used in action. Example script that used in flash:


on(release) {gotoAndStop(2)};

When did you choose it so come up to like picture hereunder :

Will like that's description will hit flash as complete as it I shall study at time then. Good can be of benefit to you all. Don't forget to wait next tutorial…

Download FDM (Free Download Manager)

Posted by : Aji Setio Aji Tuesday, March 9, 2010 1 komentar

FDM (Free Download Manager) is a software that used for Download file from Internet. Free Download Manager (FDM) is called also as accelator software Downloads. With Free Download Manager (FDM) so Download will be light and quicker than Download usually.

Pair Widget Translator In Blog

Posted by : Aji Setio Aji 1 komentar

So that your Blog can be visited by ones at world, so manner that can be done turn on a tool good for translate article in Blog to multilingual. This tool often is called with translator.

For that this is me try to discuss about how does manner turn on widget translator in Blog.

This widget actually provided by google. But this is me make widget translator impressiveer and interesting. The example such as those which in my Blog that is at right sidebar.

to try it please follow steps:

1.      Login into Blogger.com.
2.      Chose Layout.
3.      Then Add Element.
4.      Chose HTML/Java Script.
5.      Copy-paste following code:


.google_translate img {
-moz-opacity: 1.0;
opacity: 1.0;
.google_translate:hover img {
-moz-opacity: 0.30;
opacity: 0.30;
.google_translatextra:hover img {
-moz-opacity: 0.30;
opacity: 0.30;


<a class="google_translate" href="#" target="_blank" rel="dofollow" title="English" onclick="window.open('http://translate.google.com/translate?u='+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+'&langpair=id%7Cen&hl=en'); return false;"><img alt="English" border="0" align="absbottom" title="English" height="32" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEha5oJCXRex0EXiet_2JENajnl34IV13C0XND7cArmQUNDM6wPGvND-lG2HsKQL7E4OoPSleeUAFRzYyUkm3xUn88FoXTo2c8VQGDjn03L4QDb7fQbjPlE8nddfEPDaJ0AnwMmg7Y7LTkI/?imgmax=800" style="cursor: pointer;margin-right:10px" width="24"/></a>
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<div 0px 0px” style="”font:10px;margin:10px" 3px>
<a href="http://maniackom.Blogspot.com" title="Computer and Internet Tutorial">The Best Translator</a><br/></center><br/>

6.      Save and see the result.

Download Blog Template Acid Rain

Posted by : Aji Setio Aji Monday, March 8, 2010 0 komentar

 Download AcidRain Template....

This Template is used for blog...

The Instruction of using this template:

  • Login to Blogger account

  • Click Layout then “Edit HTML”

  • Backup your old template first. (very important)

  • Activate the "Expand Widget Templates"

  • Extract the AcidRain.zip => right click -> extract file.

  • Paste the template code (the txt file)
  • Click SAVE

Automatic Posting With Scheduled Post

Posted by : Aji Setio Aji Sunday, March 7, 2010 0 komentar

A blog get visit many when do we posting minimal 1 article every day. But when are we busy, so we can not posting article every day. So that blog are less visited by many people. To overcome the mentioned, so i make this article for you doesn't has time to posting article every day.
Actually blogger prepare facilities interesting to regulate publication time-table posting that is with facilities scheduled post. With facilities scheduled post, you can regulate article publication time-table whom you write. For example you wants so that article in this time at publicize date 2, other article date 3 and the other article date 4. You only necessary regulate time-table posting article at blogger when does editing.
To do scheduled post, first you must write article that you will schedule. Furthermore arrange arrangement option that found at half left booth under sheet area editing post.

click option button then choose schedule and arrange publication date post then click publicizes button. finished…

Download Norton Partition Magic

Posted by : Aji Setio Aji Saturday, March 6, 2010 0 komentar

In your computer often know term that called partition. Partition parts hard disk that at category and useful as place to keep files exist in computer. Usually partition consist of a: to floppy diskette, c: for programs computer, d: individual data,  and other as it. The problem is partition can not at change self according to practice, usually partition this only changed to pass install repeats computer. Will so this will consume old ones time for install will repeat. But there is a way of more practice to change partition without having to lose all data/files. You can try direct after read this article.

To change partitions, first step is downloads partition magic. Partition magic is a program that used to change partition in computer.
After download, then install partition magic into your computer. After finished, you can begin to change partition exist in your computer.

Upside Down Writing

Posted by : Aji Setio Aji Monday, March 1, 2010 0 komentar

Want status update, comment or write message at wall with strange article? Will try this … be guaranteed your friends dizzy will read message whom you will send at facebook.
This is me try to discuss status update manner, comment,  or write message at wall with upside down writing.
To try it please visit sherv.net, then will type article that be changed to be upside down writing.

Copy text in Use this text for emails and websites (blogs, profiles, comments, etc)

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